About Me
Fun Facts about Pete:
- Name: Pete
- Parents: Dennis and Judith
- Siblings: Sister (Katie), Step Sister (Marny), Step Brother (Jason)
- Relationship Status: Got one
- Relationship: Boyfriend named Kevin! 🙂
- Sexual Orientation: Figure it out! 🙂
- Location: Live in: San Francisco, CA
- ‘Stats‘: 5’11” / 180# / Brown Hair / Blue Eyes / Clean Shaven (Cuz ya can’t get through a conversation online without ’em)
- Favorite Animal: Frog (dunno why… they just make me smile! ;))
- Favorite Pet: Dog
- Childhood Pet’s name: Cat named ‘Sparkle’ (Stop snickering – I was in kindergarten when I named her)
- Life time pets: 2 Cats (Huckle and Sparkle), 1 Anole Lizard (can’t remember his name), 1 Bull Frog, A Hamster (which died in a cold maryland winter next to the sliding glass door), An aquarium full of stone toads, a fighting fish named Opus, and many lizards that my mom and I caught (how many moms do you know that will catch lizards with ya? ;))..
- Favorite Band: Oingo Boingo
- Primary Musical Instrument: Clarinet (Played since 2nd Grade)
- Other Instruments I can play: Trombone, Saxaphone (all of ’em cuz they’re more or less the same), and Flute.
- Occupation: Software Engineer
- Boxers or Briefs: Boxer-Briefs! 😉
- UnderGrad Degree: Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Favorite Cocktail: Gin and Tonic or a Lemon Drop
- Place I’d like to live some time: Berlin or Cologne
- Favorite Sport (participating): Swimming and Volleyball
- Favorite Sport (watching): College Football and Mens Gymnastics (for different reasons! ;))
- Favorite Author: John Steinbeck
- Favorite Childhood Books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Flat Stanley
- Religion: Christian Science ( <i>not</i> Scientology – if you’re curious go look up the difference)
- States I’ve lived in: Illinois, Maryland, Virginia, California, Colorado.
- Favorite Toy: Legos
- Languages Spoken: English and German
Some Mug Shots of Pete Over the years:
10 Comments to About Me
Dear Pete,
many greetings from germany.
Sehr nette Seite hast Du Dir einfallen lassen.
Best is next to you:
Gruß Mick
Give peace a chance!?!
May 16, 2003
Hi Pete,
Glueckwunsch zu Deiner Homepage. Gottseidank kannst Du ja deutsch verstehen, so faellt es mir leichter, die richtigen Worte zu finden.
Du hast Dir einen richtig schoenen Platz zum Leben ausgesucht. Da moechte ich auch gerne alt werden. Ich habe ja erst angefangen,
Deine Homepage zu durchstoebern, aber eines steht jetzt schon fest:
Ich war nicht zum letzten Mal hier.
Mach weiter so! Gruss Sven
Hey, yer a cutie! And intelligent as well. Just discovered your site from seeing that you’ve linked to me. I’ll roam through your pages to get to ‘know’ you better. More comments to follow.
Inter | textual
Came across your site today – GREAT.
It makes me miss SF
December 12, 2003
Hi Pete,
I admire in your smart creativity. How do you learn to create many kool ideas????
“naughty boy from Thailand”
December 12, 2003
Hi Pete,
I admire in your smart creativity. How do you learn to create many kool ideas????
“naughty boy from Thailand”
December 31, 2003
The picture of the stacked mattresses is absolutely beautiful.
February 1, 2004
Love Your Pictures From Germany! My Father is German and was Born and Lived In Berlin and The Nothern Part, Mecklenberg. He then moved to the USA. I showed him the pictures of New Years and Koln. They really made him smile. Now He wants to go back there this Fall and take my Brother and I with him. Thank You. Keep up the good site (when you have time) lol
Hi Peter…love your site. Found you through Ron at “Out There”. Good stuff! Aloha from SoCal Babylonia (Newport/Costa Mesa)!
August 24, 2004
Bonjour, les hommes regardants tres gentils, j’espere que votre rapport va continur pour toujous. Mon petit ami, amoureux meilleur ami, associe domestique et moi ont ete ensemble pour aller 29 ans. J’amie des personnes et toujours comme faire de nouveaux amis, quoique je sois un misantrope, j’essaye toujours. Respect d’ Iowa
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March 31, 2003