From the 7th Grade

Monday, June 16th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

I just found this little thing I wrote in 7th Grade English in a Drawer here at work. The assignment was to describe the image shown in a picture she gave us. My parents and my teachers LOVED it.. I got an A.. To this day I STILL don’t know why.

Peter Steianuer
March 15, 1984
Mrs. Mylen – Period 5
Descriptive Writing

A Pine Needle

A pine needle, deeply browned by the pasing of time, lay stuck in the greyish sand of an ocean shore. It limped very low as if saying I am tired of being battered by the clear ocean surf. A small ripple of water closed in on the needle, foaming at the edges like a dog gone mad. The water totally covered the sand like a blanket being pulled over a bed. The sand, dulled to a grey brown by the passing of time, layed motionless as if waiting for the tide to wash up.

2 Comments to From the 7th Grade

June 17, 2003

Actually pretty good.

June 17, 2003

That’s very impressive coming from a 7th grader!