Search Results

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003 | Random Morsels

Ok… So this is pretty damn funny… In poking through my logs to see who is hitting the blog and from where I stumbled into the section that described what search terms people were using to wind up here.. The results are pretty damn funny… Some I expected but the one on the 28th of June is pretty damn funny… And what the hell is up with the one on June 19th?

Anyway.. Made me chuckle… Read below for details…

Last 20 Searchengine Queries
Unique Visitors

  11 Jun, Wed, 15:32:21  
  Yahoo:  “arian campo-flores”  

  13 Jun, Fri, 07:48:35  
  Yahoo:  mtv beach parties 2003  

  13 Jun, Fri, 18:05:56  
  Google:  loading dock fire marshall SF  

  18 Jun, Wed, 11:04:41  
  Google:  swimfinssf  

  19 Jun, Thu, 05:42:47  
  Google:  gollum acceptance   

  19 Jun, Thu, 08:36:08  

  19 Jun, Thu, 19:39:12  
  Yahoo:  dumbell routine demo  

  19 Jun, Thu, 20:07:39  
  Google:  Cale Siler  

  21 Jun, Sat, 21:25:23  
  Google:  shirley q. liquor  

  22 Jun, Sun, 00:58:50  
  Google:  charlie horse in calf muscle  

  23 Jun, Mon, 20:48:23  
  Google:  Shirley Q Liquor Quotes  

  24 Jun, Tue, 15:36:58  
  Google:  charlie horse in calf muscle  

  25 Jun, Wed, 12:13:32  
  Google:  doj gay pride picnic june 2003  

  25 Jun, Wed, 17:11:56  
  MSN Search:  nipple piercing rainbow gay pride  

  27 Jun, Fri, 01:27:16  
  Google:  ichat video sex  

  27 Jun, Fri, 11:56:06  
  Google:  “shirley q liquor” craig  

  28 Jun, Sat, 13:39:50  
  Google:  +”iChat AV” +intercourse  

  01 Jul, Tue, 11:25:37  
  Yahoo:  dumbell workout diagrams  

  01 Jul, Tue, 13:17:52  
  Google:  ichat av gay  

  02 Jul, Wed, 13:12:58  
  Google:  ichat AV buddies group  

2 Comments to Search Results

July 17, 2003

Have you been to Disturbing Search Requests? That’s where I post the weird ones I get; it’s pretty darn funny, though frequently, well, disturbing…

July 12, 2004

Sorry that i am a bit of topic here.
I am looking for technical writer who is compute savvy.
I like how you put your words together. If you are interested could you email me your rates.