Guinea Pig

Friday, September 5th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

MAN I love being a guinea pig for a trainee in a doctor’s office… Optometrist has a new assistant it seems and the guy seems well meaning but fairly clueless. Doesn’t give you confidence when the doctor is standing over the guy repeating the same things over and over again and among those are phrases like ‘No… it needs to be CLOSER to his eye before you press the button’…. Can’t the guy pratice on a mellon or something before he graduates to sticking things in my eye..

Paranoid Pete…

(BTW – He’s ordering a test pair of the contacts that Ray recommended… Sure would be nice to wake up and be able to see! 😉 )

2 Comments to Guinea Pig

September 5, 2003

Those contacts are pretty sweet! I’d be inclined to actually start wearing them since I’d only have to do the eye thang once a month. Kinda funny ’bout the old peepers – and I most *definitely* wouldn’t let some trainee poke around my eyes. Hell, I don’t even let trainees make my Frosty at Wendy’s. There’s just too much at stake.

September 5, 2003

WOHHH… I Wasn’t talking Wendy’s Frosties.. I would NEVER trust a novice at that! 😉