Weekly Wrapup #70 – On Blogging

Friday, September 5th, 2003 | Blog Exercises

1. How would you describe blogging to someone who didn’t know what it was?
Kind of like a cross between scribbling the things you would write in a diary on the outside wall of our house and ranting about your favorite topics in a place where your friends can’t say ‘Pete – Shut the Fuck up!’… I really use it as a forum to talk about and share things that interest me with people outside of my immediate group of friends.

(4 more below if you want to read on)

2. Do you automatically reciprocate and add people to your blogroll when you see that someone new is reading your blog? Why or why not? When and why would you not automatically add someone’s blog?
I usually do after taking a quick gander at their site. Part of the fun of blog rolls is to help direct traffic to various blogs around the world so I’m always happy to return the favor. The only situation where I could see not is where I have serious issues with the content ( you probably won’t see any links to Rev. Phelps’ blog on my site! 😉 )

3. Do you publicize your blogroll? Why or why not?
Meaning list it on my blog? Yup… Here… (it used to be on the main page but my main page was gettin super cluttered so I started shuffling things off.

4. What attracts you to a particular blog or blogger? What doesn’t?
Content and Style… I like people who put a lot of effort into what they write – either because it is very personal and reflects who they are in a very personal or because they are expressing interesting and well thought out perspectives on topics of interest to me. I also really enjoy reading and visiting blogs that are done in a really classy way and show really good design. A blog that looks really clean crisp and beautiful with pleasing content makes me try to improve mine (usually to no avail *sigh*)

5. Recommend a new blog read — and tell us why you recommend this blogger.
How about a few from the categories I mentioned before. One of my long standing favorites is Pickle Juice because her writing seems to really reflect who she is on any given day – some times sad – some times mad – some times silly – and some times.. well … just check it out…
An example of a blog that sparks my intellectual interest its a toss up between Outside the Beltway and Untelevised
When it comes to design I’d have to point out In the Trenches and The Corky
(not an inclusive list of my favorites.. just a few that I wanted to point out… could go on from there with blogs I like but my carpool is waiting! 😉 )

( And then there are always the blogs of my buddies that I just check in on to see what they’re not telling me about! 😉 )

1 Comment to Weekly Wrapup #70 – On Blogging

February 20, 2004

Niccceee pagee