
Friday, October 3rd, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Oh my LORD… It REALLY doesn’t feel like friday to me for some reason… I woke up this morning feeling like I was wearing one of those lead vests that they put on you at the dentist’s office before they take X-Rays. I have SOOOOOO MUCH to do at work today and its looking like some of that is going to have to go into the weekend. There is some cool stuff going on so I’m enjoying it but its turning into a real challenge balancing some of the new stuff I’m responsible for with the old stuff that I still have to do.

Thats part of the bummer of working on software some times – I’ve worked on this product long enough to become the resident expert in my small corner of the app and features I’ve done continue to dog me past the previous releases in the form of bugs and other cleanup that still needs to be done even though it really isn’t much fun. At the same time new things are landing on my lap that are more fun and more interesting and the hard part becomes prioritizing them. I find far to easy to either let the bugs get the best of me and wind up with no time for the fun feature work I WANT to be doing – OR ignore the bugs because they’re not as much fun to work on and spec out the features only to discover you’ve got a huge heap of bugs that need love… I woke up this morning feeling like I’m in the latter situation and its bummin me out…

Guess I just gotta suck it up and take it like a man.. Off to work.. Wish me luck!

1 Comment to Friday?

October 3, 2003

first off, i love your site layout. it rocks.

i know how you feel about the bugs in a way, im not the most brilliant person when it comest to net stuffs yet. i just got my own domain and installed movable type a few weeks ago and am still struggling with alot of junk. i want to move on and start stylin it, fun part. but i need to get the mechanics ironed out (not so fun part.) 😛 so, yeah. have a great weekend!