This is a test people…

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Even if you really think Grey Davis is a jack ass and should be thrown out of office do you REALLY think Arnold going to do a better job? Or is this just about being angry? ( in case you couldn’t tell I’m neither a fan of the recall NOR a fan of having the terminator as Governor )

Regardless of what you vote for – GO VOTE.. PLEASE. (or if you’re not in CA or not 18 then tell someone in CA that is 18 to vote… :):) )

( Sorry… Just couldn’t stay quiet about this today… I wanted to – I really did… but I couldn’t… )

2 Comments to This is a test people…

Brian Young
October 8, 2003

Not in Cali and so not elible to vote. Arnold winning is kinda strange. I’m interested to know what will become of the state. Hopefully it’ll even out decently. I think people may have voted for him out of morbid curiosity and his name is one of the most recognizable among the many many people in the elction. Good luck California!

October 10, 2003

I was in college during the 1996 presidential election, and some people had hung “Vote for [insert candidate’s name]” signs in their windows. I put three signs in mine – Clinton, Dole, and Perot – along with the legend “Vote for somebody.” I mean, ideally not Pat Buchanan, but hey, this whole “republic” thing does work if no one goes out and takes part in it…