Archive for October, 2003


Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 | Giggles | Comments Off on Oh MY

Not exactly the view of a bull that the average person wants to see:

This is a test people…

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 2 Comments

Even if you really think Grey Davis is a jack ass and should be thrown out of office do you REALLY think Arnold going to do a better job? Or is this just about being angry? ( in case you couldn’t tell I’m neither a fan of the recall NOR a fan of having the terminator as Governor )

Regardless of what you vote for – GO VOTE.. PLEASE. (or if you’re not in CA or not 18 then tell someone in CA that is 18 to vote… :):) )

( Sorry… Just couldn’t stay quiet about this today… I wanted to – I really did… but I couldn’t… )


Friday, October 3rd, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 1 Comment

Oh my LORD… It REALLY doesn’t feel like friday to me for some reason… I woke up this morning feeling like I was wearing one of those lead vests that they put on you at the dentist’s office before they take X-Rays. I have SOOOOOO MUCH to do at work today and its looking like some of that is going to have to go into the weekend. There is some cool stuff going on so I’m enjoying it but its turning into a real challenge balancing some of the new stuff I’m responsible for with the old stuff that I still have to do.

Thats part of the bummer of working on software some times – I’ve worked on this product long enough to become the resident expert in my small corner of the app and features I’ve done continue to dog me past the previous releases in the form of bugs and other cleanup that still needs to be done even though it really isn’t much fun. At the same time new things are landing on my lap that are more fun and more interesting and the hard part becomes prioritizing them. I find far to easy to either let the bugs get the best of me and wind up with no time for the fun feature work I WANT to be doing – OR ignore the bugs because they’re not as much fun to work on and spec out the features only to discover you’ve got a huge heap of bugs that need love… I woke up this morning feeling like I’m in the latter situation and its bummin me out…

Guess I just gotta suck it up and take it like a man.. Off to work.. Wish me luck!

Friday 5 – October 3, 2003

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 | Blog Exercises | Comments Off on Friday 5 – October 3, 2003

1. What vehicle do you drive? I drive an Audi A4 Avant… My little Soccer-mom-mobile

2. How long have you had it? Just got it last month… SEE

3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle? Hmmm.. I think the coolest thing is the automatic seats that can tell the difference between Kevin’s key and Mine… if he’s been driving it last and I unlock the door it adjusts the seats and the mirror to my settings.. spiffy! 🙂

4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle? Cup holders.. As the sales man put it – was designed by germans who didn’t seem to believe the driver should be messing with a drink while driving so it has one strange cup holder in the dash (which doesn’t hold my coffee mug) and two in the arm rest (which is where I – get this – REST MY ARM)…. Thats OK.. I cope (and have spilled coffee on my leg twice)..

5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now? A Mercedes S class (either the S55 AMG or the S600 Sedan). I’ve ALWAYS wanted a Mercedes. LOVE ’em.. Fit together like a finely tuned machine and drive like a dream.

Free Association

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 | Blog Exercises | Comments Off on Free Association

Few Blog exercises for the fun of it… Word association – try it for yourself here! :):)

  1. Herpes:: Virus
  2. Freddy:: Kruger
  3. October:: Halloween
  4. Hunting:: License
  5. MSN:: Fox
  6. 36:: 29
  7. Hotel:: California
  8. Travesty:: Justice
  9. Health:: Crisis
  10. Conditions:: Results