audio post powered by audblog

Thursday, December 11th, 2003 | Giggles

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10 Comments to audio post powered by audblog

December 11, 2003

Hey I’ve heard your voice before! Keep the post, I like it! 🙂

December 11, 2003

Technology is SOOOO COOOL! You made this call on your cell phone and did it automatically upload it to your site? This is some very cool stuff Pete! Tell Kevin to get well soon and to call me or better yet audio chat for free on ichatAV. Laters…

December 11, 2003

that is soo amazingly cool. keep the entry. it was really cool to hear your voice. hope you’re having a great day. tell kevin to get well soon.

December 11, 2003

LOL… My voice sounds super nasal-y on here.. or maybe just in general.. Still kinda cool though – may need to do this more! 🙂

December 12, 2003

That’s pretty cool. You sound exactly how I expected.

December 12, 2003

Just went and tried it myself. That’s pretty cool!

December 12, 2003

Sooo…that was pretty cool! Speak to us more. give us the gospel!

December 12, 2003

It sounds like you, Pete. Well, you on a cellphone. Well, you on a cellphone and compressed for internet consumption.

December 12, 2003

i’ve seen you on TV! (well, iSight) Just the voice doesn’t do him justice people!

December 14, 2003

Why Pete…did you say “y’all”? I know I heard a “y’all” in there. My Texan ears are trained to pick it up, you know.

You sound friendly, Pete 🙂