They Got Him

Sunday, December 14th, 2003 | Politics

In case you haven’t heard:

U.S. forces capture Saddam near Tikrit, capping one of the most intense manhunts in history

Regardless of what my position is on this war or the administration’s handling of it (and i’m having to bite my tongue to not go off on THAT) I am glad he’s in custody. Having him unaccounted for was muddying the whole process for everyone involved (supporters and those less supportive! ;)). Hopefully we can move on from here!

2 Comments to They Got Him

December 14, 2003

And he looks rough!!


December 17, 2003

i agree, i dont want to get into it either way, pro or con. i aint gonna touch it. but i certainly glad that sadam is now in custody. its not over…but we’re on our way i think.