A few Recommendations and Wishes
By the way.. just in case you care – here are a few movie / DVD recommendations for Y’all
- Mystic River (in theaters): We saw this a little while ago and I was surprised at how much I liked it. Movie is about three guys who were kids growing up in the rough ‘burbs of Boston and how their lives collide again years later. Kind like if you took Stand By Me, moved it to Boston, and focused on when the kids grew up! 🙂
- Cold Mountain (in theaters): SO Good. Its a civil war movie that was set in the hills of North Carolina but filmed in Romania (because the countryside there is very similar and much more untouched). The photography was beautiful, the plot was interesting (though a bit gorey at times), and the cast is fantastic. Kevin and I saw this over the holidays when we were in North Carolina which made it that much better. And on top of all that they used Final Cut Pro and Cinema Tools in the making of it
- Lord of the Rings – Return of the King (in theaters): The third one was DEFINITELY the best in my book. Kevin and I went and saw it when we got back from North Carolina and even HE loved it. I’m absolutely amazed at the combination of live action and CG and how seamlessly they worked together. How they managed to keep that up across 3 movies I have no idea.. And it was composited using Shake – Apple even got a credit.
- Pirates of the Carribean (on Video): I didn’t think much of this when it was out – how interesting can a ride at Disney Land really be as a movie. But it was silly fun and Johnny Depp was a riot..
- Strangers with Candy – Season 2 (on Video): This show is just wrong but I love it. Brian and Matt gave this to Kevin for Christmas…
Then there are some that I’d LIKE to see..
2 Comments to A few Recommendations and Wishes
You gotta go see Peter Pan. You will love it Pete! The story, production and effects are incredible. Let me know once you’ve gone and seen it.
Go see Big Fish. I loved it. I was expecting to love it, but it exceeded even that.
Amazing when you know what’s coming, but it stuns you nonetheless.
Oh, and happy Macworld 🙂
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