Get There faster!

Thursday, March 18th, 2004 | Gay Stuff

Driving in to work today I was doing my usual surfing of conservative radio stations to see what kind of BS was being shoveled. Funny thing was though that when I hit one of them the hosts were talking about the the same issue in Tennessee that my previous post was about and the announcer was talking about how absurd it was. I think the direct quote I heard was ‘Its like outlawing people with brown hair’. WOW… You would have NEVER heard someone on one of these stations saying something like that even a handful of years ago. Kind of impressive to see people reaching these kind of conclusions..

Kind of reminds me of a Friends episode where Joey and Chandler were looking at Richard’s (Monica’s ex) video tape collection when they found a tape presumed to be a sex tape with “Monica” written on it… Slowly Joey put each piece together and figured out the deal – Chandler, getting impatient with how long it took Joey to reach the logical conclusion, yelled ‘Get there FASTER’…

This whole set of gay issues sort of feels like the same kind of thing. The country is slowly working out the logic in their head and realizing it all makes sense and isn’t a bad thing at all.. But MAN. I find my self wanting to scream the same thing…

Get there FASTER