On John Kerry and things that hurt the cause

Thursday, March 18th, 2004 | Politics

I’ve gotta admit that I’m a little bothered by what I’m seeing in the news lately when it comes to presidential campaign tactics. From the Bush / Cheny camp I would expect dirty games however i’ve been a more than a little concerned about what I’m hearing from John Kerry right now too. Its not really the message Kerry is trying to portray to voters as much as it is the way he’s presenting the message. I’ve seen and heard an awful lot of instances of him making statements that leave him wide open to attack.

Take, for example, his statements on ‘world leaders’ and ‘business leaders’ that support his candidacy. The fact is we all know and the Bush / Cheny camp know that this is the case. Unfortunately, what Bush also knows is that the majority of these ‘leaders’ can’t afford to step out and publicly support Kerry because doing so opens them up to the kind of retribution that Bush is capable of as long as he’s the sitting President. Therefore, making statements like this opens Kerry up to the obvious ‘Back it up with facts and names’ attack without making a point that anyone already knows and he can’t answer the attack in a way that fence sitters will buy…

Another such example is a statement I heard yesterday by Kerry takling about the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of jobs per month that are going over seas since Bush took office. Again, we all know jobs are going over seas and outside of our borders and that can’t be argued. Unfortunately he got carried away and arguably misspoke rather than dramatically presenting verifiable facts. The result was opening him up to attacks that hurt his credibility.

The fact of the matter is I would probably vote for a talking Emu to get Bush out of office – but I’m not the person I’m worried about.. Kerry is an OUTSTANDING candidate that I feel no qualms about supporting. However there are a lot of fence sitters that aren’t sure yet and if one of the arguments we have is that Bush can’t be trusted (which is definitely true) it is REALLY important that John Kerry work hard to make sure his credibility is rock solid..

C’mon John… PLEASE be careful cuz you know the bad guys are just waiting for a slip…