My stress level

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004 | Random Morsels

would be SO much lower if I stopped trying to do the right thing and just started blindly doing the easy thing…

(don’t ask – you don’t want to know! 🙂 :\)

3 Comments to My stress level

March 24, 2004

Ok, now … that’s an open invitation to want to know. You must tell. Don’t tease. C’mon, spit it out!!!

March 24, 2004

who wnats to know…I wants to know…so spill!

March 24, 2004

Lets just say I’ve found that expressing an option for alternate solutions to a problem far to often is construed as an attack on the original solution (and the person who devised the solution) rather than just as something to consider. I’m sure my presentation has something to do with it and I need to work on that. But regardless the result is getting into inane debates which irritate me. This has happened more times than I can count this week.

Sitting silently would have been much better for my sanity (and for Kevin since he’s the poor fool that inevitably bears the brunt of my frustration). Or at a minimum communicating the option then shutting my trap…

Hows that for vague.. (its work related so I can’t go into the details)