Archive for October, 2005

Wallace and Grommit Fire

Monday, October 10th, 2005 | Random Morsels | Comments Off on Wallace and Grommit Fire

Now this is just sad:

Fire destroys ‘Wallace and Gromit’ warehouse

BRISTOL, England — The company behind the new “Wallace and Gromit” film said Monday its “entire history” has been destroyed in a fire at a warehouse containing props and sets.


Saturday, October 8th, 2005 | Random Morsels | Comments Off on Volunteer

One of the things I’ve done from time to time is volunteer for various organizations.. Anywhere from Gay Speaker’s bureau to the american red cross to tutoring in elementary schools. It is the kind of thing that is SO HARD to find time for but, in my experience, is worth it every single time. But the only work I’ve done has been the kind that was a handful of hours in a day and then I went back to my real life. Thats why i’m so damn impressed reading MJ’s blog lately… Go check it out.. She’s got some great images and stories from her time helping after the hurricane. DAMN.. 🙂 😉

The West Wing

Monday, October 3rd, 2005 | Politics | 2 Comments

I just found this page on the IMDB site (MAN I love that site for so many reasons)… This quote, this quote and this quote are just a few examples of why I love that show so much.. Largely because I can’t even fathom people with such integrity and moral center actually existing in our current administration.

The Political Spectrum

Monday, October 3rd, 2005 | Politics | 1 Comment

One off the blogs I read on a semi-regular basis is the blog of a gay republican (just cuz I don’t really get it and i’m still waiting for him to make a salient argument… but thats a fight for another day). In browsing this morning I found that he’d posted his results for one of those internet tests akin to my Buffy one below.. Only this one rated you on a political scale.. I couldn’t resist taking it and the result was actually a little surprising… I actually considered myself a little more economically conservative than I came out. At any rate – my result sure did explain why I have such a hard time reading this guy’s blog without screaming.

Read Below for my results 😉

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That Mellow Mix CD

Sunday, October 2nd, 2005 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on That Mellow Mix CD

Oh.. by the way… These are the songs that are on that CD I was talking about a few days ago… Goofy I know but hey.. I’m goofy and I had to share! 🙂

Indian Summer

Sunday, October 2nd, 2005 | San Francisco | Comments Off on Indian Summer

For those of you who’ve never been to San Francisco in October – you NEED TO COME… The weather here is very odd – for the better part of the summer it is cold and foggy due to some strange weather caused by the city being planted directly between the Pacific ocean and the San Francisco bay.. But come September and October we get the most amazingly warm and gorgeous weather… The skies are this amazing blue, the air is fresh and clean… its really unreal… and today is no exception… I woke up to the sun streaming in the den and now i’m looking out my office window at this scene


I’m only gonna be here about 15 minutes more before we go meet Drew and Adrian for Brunch and then head down to the castro street fair… But I just had to share first..