He Returns

Thursday, March 1st, 2007 | Giggles


Originally uploaded by lauraespence.

So I get this call yesterday afternoon from Kevin… asking me whether we had a copy of some magazine (V I think).. Call was from his US cell phone… He hadn’t used that cell phone in a few months (since the phone bill of doom… don’t ask..).. Anyway… Odd…

So I’m driving home from work late after feeding the troops and try to give him a call… Call the phone in Guatemala… won’t connect … Odd but not super surprising (I think there are 3 lines into guatemala from the US and they’re frequently busy)…. So I try his US phone for kicks.. rings… US ring tone…. (Not the ‘Beeep’ but rather the ‘Brrrriinnngggg’ tone)… Hmmm… Thats VERY odd… but no answer

Maybe.. no… Maybe… Is he back in the US… Lets try text message… Hmm.. No answer… Fishey… Maybe he’s home… So I step on it…

Get home… lights are the way I left them… house is dark… Hiding?

*sigh*… nope.. not home… Sad… Must be overly paranoid… Sit on the couch and watch Law and Order…

Phone Rings… Kevin’s phone.. Kevin’s US phone… “Where are you?”… “You’ll never guess”… “In San Francisco?”… “I’m in a cab 10 minutes from home – how’d you know”… “I’m clever that way”…


So he’s home.. 2 days early… Place was a mess (I was expecting to have 2 nights to tidy up)… But still… Nice… So he’s around till next thursday… hehehe.. Yay

1 Comment to He Returns

March 19, 2007

Next time…you get the out of country work/vacation and he can deal with subcontractors.