One of those weeks…

Thursday, June 21st, 2007 | Giggles

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

Just a SUPER quick update since i haven’t posted in a while (and I need 5 minutes break from what I should be doing).. this has been one of THoSE weeks.. Started off well – Kevin’s new best friend from Guatemala Laura was in town so, between my work and other crap, I got to join them in a little tour of San Francisco… Very fun break for a Sunday..

Then Monday rolled around and I dove back into a HUGE pile of work and other crap I have to be doing.. Normal shit but exhausting…

Then Tuesday rolls around.. LONG day of meetings from 9am to 6pm.. Feelin kinda crappy – mostly just cuz of work and other crap.. but its sunny out and looking forward to heading home… Turning left onto 18th street.. BAMM… Someone slams into the back of my pretty little car… No one hurt but seriously fucks up the back corner of my car…

Wed I spend the day trying to get ready for a HUGE presentation at work today, dealing with the insurance company to see if I can get them to fix my car… getting a rental car… and helping get some furniture ready to sell… by 9 I’m DEAD..

and so today i’m here…

alls good – really no big deal in the grand scheme of things – but somehow it kinda feels oppresive when you’re in the midst of it..

anyway… my 5 minutes is up – back to it… more later.. happy thursday!

1 Comment to One of those weeks…

June 21, 2007

Pete that sucks!!!!!!! I hope the car gets fixed quickly…..BTW luv the new kitchen looks great – sorry for the long absence – i know living in the burbs is not a good excuse….