Outside World
Love Poem against 8
Love Poem
Wow… This has got to be one of the better ads i’ve seen in a long time… Made me teary eyed to watch… SO WELL DONE
Labor Day Hike
On Labor Day Kevin and I took nina for a hike at the Sibley Volcanic Regional Perserve up in the Berkeley hills… Its a really cool and kind of quick hike but had plenty of room for nina to run around and romp… And amazing views of the area on the drive up and along the hike… On the way back we stopped at treasure island since i’ve actually never been there in my 16 years in the bay area (crazy huh?)
Quick Thursday Update
Its been a bit of a crazy week so i’ve been falling behind once again.. but a quick update seems like a good thing…
Home wise its been a little nuts… in the process of dealing with a move, selling a house, and other topsey turvey stuff around that. I really should be more relaxed about all of this because I know at the end of it all things will turn out great however while everything is in process i can’t help but stress out a little.. My little sis reminds me that it runs in the family. Without going into a bunch of details in a public forum we had a deal fall through that flipped me out initially but now i’m thinking it was a great thing from multiple perspectives… Its really funny how your gut instincts prove to be the best….
Other than that we’ve been trying to have a little fun. Last weekend we went to see the new Batman movie which was PHENOMENAL… Disturbing.. But GREAT.. I walked away just feeling giddy and oogey at the same time – how weird is that.. Something about Heath Ledger in Scary Clown Nurse Drag that is just not right.. but DAMN…
Weekend before was the HRC Dinner and Dore Alley Street Fair – both of which were great. The HRC Dinner was a little odd because of the drama around the HRC position on ENDA. It kind of breaks my heart because there isn’t a clear good answer here and I hate seeing people that would normally be on the same side of the issue being divided so badly.. its a shame.. But the dinner was fun and it was great to have my parents join us for it. Dore Alley was the usual stuff… just a lot of tawdry fun which would shock the hell out of most people but is kinda boring to me these days… unfortunately it was also a little cold so we didn’t last very long…
This week we’re having a few house guests to keep us busy. Kevin’s friend Laura that he met in Guatemala got here Monday and left this morning. Then on Saturday night Kevin’s Niece from NC arrives for a week. It will be interesting to see what Kevin plans for her. Last time she was here he took her EVERYWHERE – they did tourist stuff in SF that i’ve never done which is impressive – she was EXHAUSTED by the time she left..
I think thats it at this point – probably more soon but that’ll do for now…
a note from the frey
Just wanted to post a few quick updates while I drive to work (or, rather, am driven)…. Its been ages since i’ve posted anything here for all the same reasons and a few new ones.. So lets see…. updates…
Guess the biggest news is we just moved… Not far at all from the old place actually but its a bigger place with a yard… Basically brand new construction and very open and sunny. We moved last weekend (and, thus, missed pride completely… sure hope they have it again next year! ;-)) and have spent the last week trying to get the space livable and get the old place ready to sell at the same time… The trick is that we’re staging the old place with all of our good stuff which means we’re kind of camping in the new place – we have a bed, my desk, and all of our stuff – but the nice furniture like the couch and the carpets are all still in the old place…
I’ll post some pictures soon…
Aside from that usual stuff going on here… Lots of work as usual… Trying to keep the puppy out of trouble and happy… not much time for being social… Missing all of my shows that are in hiatus (ugly betty, lost, desperate housewives, battlestar galactica, ….)… you know…
oh… and i’m 38 today.. Kevin had some folks over for cocktails and snacks yesterday… in the new yard… so fun…. 😉
now off to work… more later!
A week on a boat
I’ve been super busy the last few days / weeks with all sorts of stuff so I haven’t had time to post… But I did want to share some pictures while I have a free second (and just a second)… Kevin and I just got back from spending a week with a whole bunch of friends and family on another one of our live aboard dive boats… We went with my dad, rick, randy, rick’s dad, matt s. matt f. tim c., chris m that I work with, erin, and some other folks r&r know… In case you’re curious all the pictures are posted here… You can also see R&R’s pictures and a video here
more later
Gay Marriage in California
State Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry
Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, May 15, 2008(05-15) 10:31 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — Gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry in California, the state Supreme Court said today in a historic ruling that could be repudiated by the voters in November.
If you want to read the full LONG text is here…
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