And it begins

Tuesday, March 18th, 2003 | Politics

I keep starting to write something here about what is going on in the world and wind up getting flustered and sad and stop…

And now, with what the president said last night to the world and the iraqi response this morning (which couldn’t have been a surprise to anyone) it seems the path is set… I can’t fathom a course of events that could stop war at this point… *sigh*….

And I’ve got to say – this is the first time in my LIFE that I’m ashamed to be an American citizen and that REALLY bums me out… We as a people have failed to find a peaceful solution. We have failed to convince those around us and our leaders to do everything humanly possible to disarm iraq without taking innocent lives. We have failed to convince our leaders that in order to promote democracy in the world we have to participate in one ourselves, not just at home, but in the world context and, more specifically, at the UN. We have failed to convince the president that fighting his father’s war is not in his best interest.

And now we send our military into harms way. Now we place the lives of innocent people in iraq in danger. We increase the possibility (or inevitability) of terrorism at home. We bring on the justifiable scorn of the world on our shoulders.

When did we stop being role models for democracy, strength, and individual human rights and become the school yard bully oursleves?

Ok… maybe I’m just angry and REALLY sad…

What happens now?