
Thursday, March 20th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Roller coaster day…

Alarm clock didn’t go off for some reason (or maybe it went off and I turned it off without bothering to wake up – you’d have to ask kevin)…. So I woke up EXACTLY when I was supposed to BE at the gym… throw on gym clothes and my contacts and flew down to meet matt to lift heavy things..

Got back… oh shit… we’re at war… TV was spewing constant news with no content cuz they didn’t know shit but didn’t want to be the last station to say they didn’t know shit… Wierd…

Got to work and Apple is playing a live web feed of CNN so we can know whats goign on – like I need news coming at me from yet ANOTHER angle… They had good intentions tho…

Productive day though.. Fixed some bugs in the morning, discussed futures for our product before lunch, and then solved a pretty nasty problem capturing video with another co-worker all afternoon – was actually a REALLY fun day work wise – kind of stuff I like doing..

End of the day SUCKED though… ended to hear that a friend of mine who got sick recently isn’t improving like we had hoped and that REALLY bummed me out… I’m sure I’ll talk more about it later but this isn’t how I want others to hear about things…

Just got my call from the Red Cross to make sure i’m available to help this evening if there is an emergency (I’m on call 3 nights a week with them)

Now I’m home and figuring out what to do for dinner and trying to avoid turning on the TV….

Pretty average and boaring day acctually – just seemed like a loopy roller coaster – maybe its just that the world is on a loopy roller coaster and I feel odd holding still..

Ah well…