
Thursday, March 27th, 2003 | Politics

I find it more than a little odd that Al-Jazeera’s web site has been down and un-reachable for days now… Granted I think that that site is even more of a propaganda machine for the other side as CNN is for ours so I don’t trust what they would say on there.. But even as much as I find conspiracy theories BS for the most part, I do find it a little odd that it is hard to get an opposing opinion on this conflict these days..

Just musing…

Friend did point me at a couple of other interesting sites… Not recommending any of them mind you… I’m just trying hard to find different points of view… I’m sure CNN and google news aren’t preaching the God’s honest reality nor is Al-Jazeera… But maybe if you combine enough different ones we can start to distil out a little reality.. Cuz i’m sure our president isn’t going to offer it up..

Anyway.. Here is what I’ve been looking at lately:

Google News
SF Gate
Christian Science Monitor
Der Spiegel (german)
Deutsche Welle (english / german)
Al-Jazeera (arabic)
Cursor’s Al-Jazeera Link

Muslim WakeUp!
Anti War

Like I said – this doesn’t recommend my personal views… Just some more info to add to my understanding… If anyone has more I’d be interested to see ’em

1 Comment to Al-Jazeera

Pete Steinauer
March 28, 2003

Well looks like Al-Jazeera is back online now….