More Sillyness

Tuesday, May 6th, 2003 | Geek Stuff

Found another cool tip to get nice titles in your web page using javascript and style sheets… just more sillyness but being the big ol’ geek that I am I had to wire ’em up… Will probably tone down the usage once the novelty wears of but in the mean time its kidna fun! 🙂

(oh yea… just roll your mouse over any link to see ’em… Like this one.)

3 Comments to More Sillyness

May 6, 2003

You are suck a geek!! 🙂

Pete Steinauer
May 6, 2003

LOL… what makes you say THAT??… Its part of my charm – i’m SURE! 🙂 (least I hope)

May 6, 2003

That kicks ass! Ferris Bueller, you’re my hero.