Design Attempt #2

Sunday, May 18th, 2003 | Geek Stuff

Ok… So i did a little clean up… This one mostly on my own… Still haven’t fixed up the colors the way I want ’em but that I DO need kevin’s help… Fixed up the banner though.. Playin with photoshop – gotta love it..

Anyway – made up 4 banners for up there… Check out the ones below and let me know which one is your favorite.. (Click on each one to make it larger)…





4 Comments to Design Attempt #2

May 19, 2003

I like em all but number 4 – this is not an international travel site (or is it).

Keep it fun, write a little script to randomly load one of them. Make more. Go crazy.

Pete Steinauer
May 19, 2003

LOL… Thats what Kevin said too…

Was actually thinkin bout rotating the images too… Trick is figuring out how to write a javascript that can set elements on a style dynamically since that image is the banner’s background image (so that it repeats orizontally…)…

But this is my kind of geek stuff! 🙂

May 20, 2003

I like the new look!

I agree all but the last banner makes me think you are a travel agent going to sell me a spa trip in Cancun.


May 23, 2003

Setting the elements dynamically is especially simple if your server supports php – I have a script that you can implement in minutes, and no Javascript, thus no slowdown and no risk of freezing out people who haven’t got it enabled. Of course, people who are trying to be helpful aren’t always welcome, so I’ll shut up now 😉