Sad Nightlife

Sunday, May 18th, 2003 | Gay Stuff

So I went out dancing for the first time in ages with my friend Randy last night… Kind of needed to get out of the house and see the boys… So we went to this new place in SF called Mezzanine… Supposed to be the next great thing in San Francisco since Club Universe closed..

Well it ain’t… It sucked… Weird thing is it had a lot of the right pieces… There was a good collection of hotties for eye candy… The music was pretty OK… But it just didn’t work… Kind of sad that a city like San Francisco has such sad options… just wrong

I always snicker when people talking about a club having ‘good energy’.. Seems very ethereal and touchey-feeley to me.. But thats really what it was.. Place had bad energy… least last night… Couldn’t put my finger on it.. just wasn’t right..

There is, however, another possibility – that that kind of thing just isn’t my thing any more… It is a pretty superficial environment that is all about hot boys with their shirts off and its pretty impossible to interact with anyone at the clubs… It is fun in its own way and when you’re feelin good the attention can be fun.. but its only skin deep… Doesn’t encourage friendships with depth… Doesn’t allow for good conversation… And worse yet – it leads to ruining the whole next day because you have to be up so damn late…

I still do enjoy going out like that with a large group of friends on a special occasion… But then its probably cuz then it feels like a big party for us where other people have just stopped by.. 🙂

I’m not sure if that makes me an old man or just one that is discovering what I find important and what makes me feel good and proud about my self..

Dunno…. Guess I’ll just put this under rants and leave it at that! :):)