Archive for May, 2003

Sad Nightlife

Sunday, May 18th, 2003 | Gay Stuff | Comments Off on Sad Nightlife

So I went out dancing for the first time in ages with my friend Randy last night… Kind of needed to get out of the house and see the boys… So we went to this new place in SF called Mezzanine… Supposed to be the next great thing in San Francisco since Club Universe closed..

Well it ain’t… It sucked… Weird thing is it had a lot of the right pieces… There was a good collection of hotties for eye candy… The music was pretty OK… But it just didn’t work… Kind of sad that a city like San Francisco has such sad options… just wrong

I always snicker when people talking about a club having ‘good energy’.. Seems very ethereal and touchey-feeley to me.. But thats really what it was.. Place had bad energy… least last night… Couldn’t put my finger on it.. just wasn’t right..

There is, however, another possibility – that that kind of thing just isn’t my thing any more… It is a pretty superficial environment that is all about hot boys with their shirts off and its pretty impossible to interact with anyone at the clubs… It is fun in its own way and when you’re feelin good the attention can be fun.. but its only skin deep… Doesn’t encourage friendships with depth… Doesn’t allow for good conversation… And worse yet – it leads to ruining the whole next day because you have to be up so damn late…

I still do enjoy going out like that with a large group of friends on a special occasion… But then its probably cuz then it feels like a big party for us where other people have just stopped by.. 🙂

I’m not sure if that makes me an old man or just one that is discovering what I find important and what makes me feel good and proud about my self..

Dunno…. Guess I’ll just put this under rants and leave it at that! :):)

Things I wonder about

Friday, May 16th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 6 Comments

Anyone who knows me knows that my brain is constantly churning with random imponderables – some useful – some not… And frequently they bubble out my mouth. Kevin is always asking me what the hell makes me ask such oddball things… I dunno… I throw ’em out partially to make conversation and partially in the off chance that someone might know…

Here’s a few that have been flyin around today… ( Preface each with ‘I wonder’ and you’l lsee the little hell I’ve created for him! 😉 )

– When did we stop caring about plot and character development in the movies and resort to just throwing money and star power at the problem.

– How do Germans keep finding my blog.. Gotten a couple of really nice notes in my blog from german speakin folks and don’t know how t hey found it..

– What draws people to certain blogs and not others?

– Are guys, by nature, not monogamous creatures – or is that just a convenient excuse?

– What ever happened to my cat Sparkle?

– Is there anything wrong with spending as much time on the computer as I do… (kevin’s not allowed to answer this one! ;))

– Where would I be now if I had taken that job at Object Zoo in Munich 5 or so years ago?

– If there is an eclipse that shades the moon (like we had last night) does the temperature on the earth change.

– Why do Pigeons’ heads move when they walk? Do they move once for every step they take?

I’m gonna keep adding to these as I think of ’em cuz its fun! 🙂

Handy Tool

Wednesday, May 14th, 2003 | Geek Stuff | Comments Off on Handy Tool

Just found a handy tool online called CSSEdit. Its a pretty damn cool Mac OS X app that lets you edit style sheets in a much more straightforward way.

So now i don’t have any excuses for fixing the colors on my blog (except for the fact that I have no taste when it comes to such things)…

Reality is better than Fiction

Wednesday, May 14th, 2003 | Giggles | Comments Off on Reality is better than Fiction

So first there was:

iLoo: MSN UK tests potty surfing

but then we come to discover:

Microsoft: Internet-ready toilet project a hoax

only to then discover:

Microsoft: iLoo no hoax after all, but dead anyway

Ya know.. .i don’t care if it is true or not… its just really damn funny anyway. My theory is that someone at MS-UK, after a few too many beers, joked about such a thing and his pointey haired boss said said ‘hey – that might just work’ and ran with it…

Doesn’t matter but makes me smile…


Tuesday, May 13th, 2003 | Giggles | Comments Off on Giggles

I don’t know why but i’m kinda giddy today… Maybe cuz I got a TON done at work yesterday and am kinda proud… Maybe because I got a great workout in this morning (went up in weight in just about everything)… Maybe because its sunny out… Maybe because I got a wink from a cute guy in the car next to us on the way to work.. who knows….

Anyway – found a couple of things as I was doing my usual morning browse today that made me chuckle and had to share! 🙂

Badger Rampage injures five: I know – shouldn’t make be funny.. but it just is…
        Thanks to life unfolding
Teen Lingo: This just is funny – not just the page itself – but where its coming from…
        Thanks to Moving Target

There will oundoubtedly be others as the day goes by! :):)

Happy Tuesday

Think for your self

Monday, May 12th, 2003 | Politics | 3 Comments

Saw a guy driving to work today that had an American flag on his bumper, right next to a FDNY sticker, right next to a sticker saying ‘Support our Troops, Support President Bush’… The combination of the three really irked me… I’m an American and a VERY proud one… I have an amazing amount of respect for the NYC Firefighters (all Police and Firefighters for that mater) – those folks are willing to put their lives on the line to save others – that takes balls of steel and a heart of gold… I also support our troops for many of the same reasons I support the police and fire – they’re doing a job most of us could never do to protect our personal freedoms..

What I do not do is blindly support our President and I don’t think anyone should. Not this President… Not any President… It is our civic duty to question every move he makes and let it be known when we disagree. And to blindly support any president purely because of his office or, worse yet, use the memory of fallen heros as justification for blind allegiance I find infuriating..

I won’t go into it any more than that… just had to vent