Archive for June, 2003

This weekend

Friday, June 6th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on This weekend

I’m going sea kayaking with Healing Waters… TOTALLY excited… Going up to point reyes, kayaking up to a beach thats only accessible by boat, camping out for the night, night kayaking, then paddling back sunday…

Healing waters is a GREAT organization that takes people who are terminally ill out on outdoor adventures to get them out of the house and to boost their spirits… This trip is one of their fundraiser trips to help pay for the client trips… Cale Siler is a buddy of mine who founded the organization and has a heart of GOLD.. SUCH a sweet guy…

Unfortunately kevin can’t go – he’s going to a budist group meeting with a friend tomorrow and has rowing sunday.. so i’m solo..

DOJ Jack Asses…

Friday, June 6th, 2003 | Gay Stuff | 1 Comment

Justice Dept. Bans Event by Gay Staff:

“WASHINGTON, June 5 — The Justice Department has barred a group of employees from holding their annual gay pride event at the department’s headquarters, the first time such an event has been blocked by any federal agency, gay rights leaders said today.”

Read the article – it gets worse… Like I need another excuse to be pissed at our fearless leader!

More Pete Stuff

Friday, June 6th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 4 Comments

What is a Meme anyway?… Don’t know but all of a sudden they’re popping up all over.. I stole this from her who snarfed it from here who bamboozled it from here… So, while it might lack a whole lot of creativitiy on my part, it does give more dirt on me so I figured I’d share…

So read on if you care read on… or don’t if you don’t… :):)
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Last night while I slept…

Friday, June 6th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 3 Comments

I dreamt of one of my ‘fantasy places’… happens from time to time and always makes me smile… Last night I dreamt I was standing in this two story wood construction house siting at the narrow end of a forested valley. The house was somewhat wedge shaped with a huge plate glass window that let you see down the valley to your left and straight up the tree covered mountain to the right… Looking down the valley you could see dark green lush tree covered mountains on either side as far as the eye could see and at random spots down the valley you could see castle like buildings peeking out from the trees… The house I was in wasn’t large but it was comfortable and seemed to blend right into the forrest with a picnic table in front and trees almost right up to every side… I don’t remember there being any drive way or even any way to get to the house…

My other favorite fantasy place dream is a little village set in what felt like a rain forrest… The village was set in a very steep mountainous area with rushing water streams coming from every which way and really lush green trees, vines, and other foliage all over the place. All of the houses were nestled back into the terrain and looked like they were built into the cliffs and hills themselves… very small but comfortable houses that felt almost like hobbit homes.. Birds flew EVERYWHERE, the plants bloomed in every color, and there was always a light mist in the valley..

ok… Kinda cookey I know but MAN – if I could find places like these to live I’d be beside myself… I wish I could draw or paint cuz words just don’t do these images justice! 🙂

Just had to share! 🙂

Vacation Ideas anyone?

Wednesday, June 4th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 6 Comments

Anyone have an idea where I could go and kill a week? It turns out that, in my furvor to ship this silly product, I forgot to take a break – and, as such, I’ve maxed out my vacation time and i’m loosing it.. So I need to split for a while.. And the shitty part is kevin has been good about taking his and, as such, doesn’t have left over right now… So I’m solo for my vacation time…

Here are a few criteria:

– Not at home (if I stay home I’ll just sit on the computer and thats LAME)
– Need to relax – been working my ass off and 9 countries in 8 days probably isn’t the best Idea
– Needs to be relatively cheap: My money right now is largely targeted to pay for new electrical stuff and a new deck… Got SOME money to spend but not LOTS
– No Gay cruises – This is on orders of kevin (and expensive)..

Here are my ideas right now:

– New york city / Fire island
– LA / So Cal – meet friends and play in the sun…
– Burning man…

But I’m running out of ideas and I need to do it soon… Anyone wanna go on a trip with me? :):)

huh huh huh.. Fire…

Wednesday, June 4th, 2003 | Random Morsels | 2 Comments

Pic from Memorial Day BBQ ( see Lessons Below 😉 )… Scary part is that is after it went down a little.. Guess I should add to those lessons “Match light charcoal doesn’t need lighter fuel”