Foreign Press

Thursday, July 24th, 2003 | Politics

I just picked up the latest issue of Der Spiegel in the Castro today and on the cover it says “The endless Blitzkreig” as the title and below that it says “Spiegel Series: How the USA lied to the world, overthrew a Tyrant, and is now stuck in a Guerilla War”….

Leave it to the German press to hit the nail squarely on the head in a very blunt way…

I’ll refrain from ranting about Trickey Dick Cheney’s speech this morning. I got into a discussion with Kevin about it briefly at dinner and we had to stop for fear of getting into a fight. He’s much more tolerant and accepting of all of the BS thats going on in our government these days than I am – guess thats the difference between being raised in a conservative family in North Carolina like kevin was and being raised by liberal parents in California like me. Kevin’s pretty sure his entire family actually voted for that butt head in the oval office! 😉

I’ll just keep all the opinions that have been rattling around in my head today to myself or I’ll be up all night typing – just write ’em off to a bad day and a grumpy mood!

5 Comments to Foreign Press

July 24, 2003

If I ever come down to SF, can you, me and Kevin have dinner together? We’ll double team him and leave him crying like a little girl in his overpriced entree. We’ll have him saying “Cheney is the Devil” by the time the chocolate mousse comes around.

I lurve taking on conservatives! 😉

July 25, 2003

It amazes me how any American citizen can deny being lied to by the Bush administration. November 2004 can’t get here fast enough.

Pete Steinauer
July 25, 2003

You got it Tanya…. Sounds like fun to me… just let me know when and i’ll find a restaurant…

Best I can figure though, Kevin isn’t so much arguing that we weren’t lied by the administration or that everything was done on the up and up. He’s more pulling one of those ‘the end justifiies the means’ arguments. If we assume that Sadam is a bad guy who was doing bad things and killing and torturing his own people then isn’t it our duty to go in and ruff him up. The other stuff he says people are fine with overlooking because the end result has produced a better world..

I started to go into whether or not the Iraqi’s are in a better place and even if they are is the administration justified in lying to us to accomplish their goals… Thats where it stopped cuz I was gettin fired up..

He may very well be an ultra liberal at heart and just enjoys seeing me get riled up! 😉

Pete Steinauer
July 25, 2003

2004 can’t come fast enough for me either… What scares me is what candidate is strong enough to unseat Dubbya… I don’t see any yet…. See some I like but the only one that I’ve seen with numbers to rival him is Hillary and a) she isn’t running and b) I’m not convinced even she can break his stride… *sigh*

July 25, 2003

Don’t keep your opinions to yourself. We have to trash him at every opportunity.

Let’s talk about Schwarzenegger, too.