Update your Links

Wednesday, July 30th, 2003 | Blog Stuff

Moving vans are rolling up for my Blog… I’m moving it over from Matt’s domain over to mine… So if you have links to http://www.fullerbrantner.com/swimfinssf/ please change them to point to http://www.swimfinssf.com/ – I’m going to be trying to get everything pushed over to there…

Not sure if this will go without a hitch but I’ve got my fingers crossed! 🙂

4 Comments to Update your Links

July 30, 2003

Wow… Well this seems to actually be working… COOL

July 30, 2003

Wow. I’m your number one fan. I love you even more than my pet octopus, Lorane. You are the glue that keeps my soles from leaping from my body. I want to sing sweet disney classics with you.

July 30, 2003

Sing me a disney song and I’m yours forever! 😉

July 31, 2003

Congrats on the new digs! It’s like owning a house but with out all the taxes and stuff.