What has he DONE!

Saturday, August 16th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

This is what I came home to when i got back from the gym today:

Kevin has decided to rip up the carpet in the hall to expose the original wood floors… Will look great but UGGGG… 😉

3 Comments to What has he DONE!

August 19, 2003

When’s the project going to be finished? I have a “bad” (to Andy) habit of doing things like that without mentioning it to him so that he ends up falling all over stuff. Which is why I don’t get upset when he has to be away from the house for weeks at a time anymore…I tend to get a LOT done without him looking over my shoulder ever step of the way.

But I’d love to see the end result when it’s done!

August 19, 2003

LOL… I have no idea when the project will be done… Kevin is calling around to get the floors finished today… It sure will be purdy when its done … (I HOPE – cuz its UGLY now)..

but yea – he checked with me first…. probably would have a lot less drama if he just did it and surprised me (cuz I’ve got a tendency to over ‘rationalize’ these things.. how much is it gonna cost… do we have to worry bout how they fill the cracks.. noise… blah blah blah… I should just trust him… but that’s not in my nature! 😉 )

August 19, 2003

so what’s the word? Is it liveable? Are they done yet? Wanna sell your house?

– M