Only in San Francisco…

Wednesday, August 20th, 2003 | Random Morsels

… would someone have a license plate that says ‘CBT TOP’.

If you don’t know the acronym be very sure you want to know before you ask someone!

This city cracks me up!

3 Comments to Only in San Francisco…

August 21, 2003

Now THAT cracks me up! I can be brazen in a different way, but not with my license plate. That’s over the top (but in a different way). 🙂

August 21, 2003

That is hysterical – though I am am appalled by it. What would Gran say?

August 21, 2003

Good one! On another blog I was trying to find a way (and cracking myself up in the process) to work these into resumes… I’m guessing he could list “Advanced CBT Specialist” under Technical Qualifications.