Rumor has it…

Wednesday, August 20th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

…a good friend of mine has plans to be shackin up with a certain hot boyfriend of his and is claiming that as the excuse for not coming to see us all.. When you read this (and you know who you are) remember that there are 4 of us down here that have veto rights on this whole ‘arrangement’. Seems to me that not only should you come visit for Folsom but you should bring this man of yours too… So far we all approve but over dinner we decided that its REALLY risky for y’all to be talkin bout shackin up without introducing him to your extended family…

Enough said…


3 Comments to Rumor has it…

August 22, 2003

If this entry happens to be directed at me, then you should know that I would love to come on down for Folsom BUT under the circumstances of having little to no $$$ makes it really tough for me to get down there. Ticket prices are around $450 Canadian.

I think it would be cheaper for you guys to come here!!
I miss you all!

August 22, 2003

Damn … $450 is more than I would have guessed… And, to be fair, we’re all WAY overdue for a visit north.. Ok…

( and you KNOW if you picked the man we’ll all approve – being the pickey boy that you are. – just looking for an excuse to get you both in leather for folsom! 😉 🙂 )

dish network
June 3, 2004

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