Friday Five

Sunday, October 19th, 2003 | Blog Exercises

  1. Name five things in your refrigerator:
    Anchor Steam Beer, Chocolate Syrup and Maraschino Cherries from Sundays we had last night, Curry Catsup from the German Deli in Noe Valley, and Milk for my Morning Cereal.

  1. Name five things in your freezer:
    Frozen Fruit for my Breakfast Shakes, Rockey Road and Vanilla Ice Cream from last night, Funkey Ikea ice trays (in the shapes of Arrows, stars, circles and rods 😉 ), Coffee Beans, and a box of Baking Soda
  2. Name five things under your kitchen sink:
    Dishwasher Detergant, 409 (the purdy orange kind), a Fire Extinguisher, Dishwasher Detergent, and unopened Ant Traps.
  3. Name five things around your computer:
    A cute little succulent in a pot that kevin made me, a picture of my mom, my sister and I at my sisters graduation, a little glowing orb we got as a housewarming present that I’ve grown fond of, my iPod
  4. Name five things in your medicine cabinet: Dr. Haushka’s Face Lotion (LOVE that stuff), Dental Floss, a Santa Claus Rubber Duckie, a Loofa, and Q-Tips