YES – I’m alive

Monday, November 10th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Just a quick note to say yes – I AM Alive… but work has been SO CRAZY BUSY that when i’m not working or spending time with Kevin i’m lying on my back staring at the ceiling and going ‘bu bu bu bu bu’…. (Go see Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell and you’ll know what I mean). They did take our division to see the new Matrix movie (Matrix Revolutions) friday morning which was nice of them. I thought it was better than the 2nd one but still only marginal. Effects were pretty kick ass and the plot as slightly better than 2 (but not as good as 1) but the writing was AWFUL… No… REALLY AWFUL.. I was laughing hysterically during a couple of what were supposed to be touching scenes because of the writing…

Weekend was mellow but worked casually most of it. Watched Finding Nemo friday night while Kevin was out getting drunk with his co-workers and sunday we spent most of the day running errands and shopping.

Aside from that not much to report – I’ll try to come up with something clever later… or just do my friday five and other blog exercises for fun (feels like I haven’t been doing my homework! 😉 )

happy Monday! 🙂

Oh… And i wanna see this movie, and this one, and this one – but definitely NOT this one (not a big fan of this kind of movie)…

2 Comments to YES – I’m alive

November 11, 2003

kill bill was a good movie, but i love blood and death. then again, i really liked love actually which i recomend taking a special someone and totally making out with them in the back row.

November 11, 2003

Speaking of “The Cat in the Hat”, I passed by a house here yesterday that made me do a double-take! The landscaping is very Dr. Suess-ish! I’ll have to take a picture next time and send it/post it…very strange. Welcome back to the blogging world, Pete. 😉