Archive for November, 2003

Blog rolls are hosed

Monday, November 17th, 2003 | Blog Stuff | 3 Comments

Argggg… Something happened overnight and my blogrolls have gotten hosed – everything listed has been replaced by a single link… not sure if blogrolling got hacked or if its just a bug but until it gets fixed I’m pulling mine…

Bums me out.. thats where I kept my links to all my favorite blogs… Arggggggggg

UPDATE: Looks like got hacked over the weekend.. Bummer… They’ve restored from backup and I’m gonna see about exporting my rolls so I don’t loose my links to y’all..

Ugg… Do ya ever get the feeling that there is a shocking lack of morals and respect on the loose these days? Between the frequent mop-up I have to do from comment spam, the amount of time we ALL waste with email spam, and hackers pulling stunts like this I’m starting to get really angry (ok.. well not starting). I’ve been sorely tempted to disable comments on my blog cuz of this but thats part of what I enjoy about blogging is the interaction. I’ve heard all the hacker and spammer justification for why they feel they have the right to pull these stunts and, frankly, its all bullshit. Just because our legal system hasn’t caught up with technology (and probably never will) doesn’t give them the moral right to invade our privacy in cyberspace any more than it gives them the right to crawl through the windows of our house… It is all a violation and a simple lack of human respect for other people that they get away with because they’re protected hiding behind their keyboards in some remote location.

Uggg…Sorry… Just venting… this kind of thing just REALLY pisses me off.

Oh.. And thanks to the folks at blogrolling for mopping up after this mess – they shouldn’t have to and I wish I could help them out somehow… Good luck

I had no IDEA

Saturday, November 15th, 2003 | Politics | 3 Comments

Yesterday I got an envelope at work from the Republican National Committe with this inside:

I couldn’t stop laughing. I had NO IDEA I was such a supporter. Maybe it was the groans I make whenever I hear his voice. Or the rants I go into any time anyone makes the mistake of mentioning the war that he duped the country into supporting. Whatever it was I’m glad they appreciate it… Though despite all that I don’t think I’ll continue the support the way they requested with the picture. After all – after all I’ve done do they need a check from me in that little envelope too. Haven’t I done enough? 🙂

Friday Funnies

Friday, November 14th, 2003 | Giggles | 2 Comments

Few things that made this morning:

  • These Crazy Rabbits… Too funny… (thanks to ultrasparky )
  • The dude driving down the freeway today with plastic carpet protector taped where his drivers window should be in his thrashed civic. You know – that stuff that comes in long 2′ wide strips with the points on the bottom to protect your carpet. Don’t know why… just made me chuckle.
  • The woman driving on two, count ’em, two donut sized spare tires on her car. Where do you get the second if you’ve used your first spare tire? Did she steal someone else’s spare rather than just getting her’s fixed. The whole car was leaning to the right.
  • And my FAVORITE: We saw the mystery machine driving down the road. An honest to god 70’s van with the two long windows in the back, painted with a big orange daisy on the back and the green and blue colors with ‘The Mystery Machine’ painted on the side

Don’t know why some of that cracked me up – it just did. Guess I’m just giddy today… Better than being cranky I suppose! 🙂

British slang

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 | Giggles | 3 Comments

I’m one of these odd balls that has to have the radio or tv or some type of noise going while I work… Don’t know why – just makes it easier to keep my butt planted and makign progress. Today’s selection is ‘Beautiful Thing‘ – great movie and the music is good to hum along to as I work. Anyway – caught a line with the term ‘slag’ in it and realized I didn’t know what it meant.. Could figure it out based on context but wanted to be sure… well thanks to google I found this – and now I know along with alot of other fun terms…

The Best of British
The American’s guide to speaking British

MAN I love the web! 🙂

YES – I’m alive

Monday, November 10th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | 2 Comments

Just a quick note to say yes – I AM Alive… but work has been SO CRAZY BUSY that when i’m not working or spending time with Kevin i’m lying on my back staring at the ceiling and going ‘bu bu bu bu bu’…. (Go see Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell and you’ll know what I mean). They did take our division to see the new Matrix movie (Matrix Revolutions) friday morning which was nice of them. I thought it was better than the 2nd one but still only marginal. Effects were pretty kick ass and the plot as slightly better than 2 (but not as good as 1) but the writing was AWFUL… No… REALLY AWFUL.. I was laughing hysterically during a couple of what were supposed to be touching scenes because of the writing…

Weekend was mellow but worked casually most of it. Watched Finding Nemo friday night while Kevin was out getting drunk with his co-workers and sunday we spent most of the day running errands and shopping.

Aside from that not much to report – I’ll try to come up with something clever later… or just do my friday five and other blog exercises for fun (feels like I haven’t been doing my homework! 😉 )

happy Monday! 🙂

Oh… And i wanna see this movie, and this one, and this one – but definitely NOT this one (not a big fan of this kind of movie)…

What the… ;-)

Saturday, November 1st, 2003 | Random Morsels | 2 Comments

Ever see something on the net and wonder why someone would possibly spend their time creating something you’ve found? Check this out which I created via Mirror Sytes by just tacking ‘’ onto the end of the host part of my URL. Kinda interesting I guess but it begs the question WHY?

Anyway… Just silly! 🙂