Thursday Giggles…

Thursday, May 6th, 2004 | Giggles

A funny to start off your day:

Average IQ by state and how they voted in 2000: notice a pattern here?

Update: Just to be clear – this is a joke

6 Comments to Thursday Giggles…

May 6, 2004

That is amazing. If those idiots would just learn more, they’d vote smarter.

May 6, 2004

Ok … so my state voted bush. Luckily, though, my IQ is much higher than that of my state’s average (though that’s not saying much) … and oddly enough, I voted for Gore.

May 6, 2004

I am not surprised. I have relatives from Georgia who are above average in intelligence however their friends don’t seem to be. For example, they thought I was going to Russia one time when I planned to visit the U.K. Duh…

May 6, 2004

I’m happy to live in PA. Although the median salary seems kinda low.

May 7, 2004

I’ve always assumed this was true, but I never realized how unbalanced the results would be. But it lends support for my long-held belief that if we need to take a test before getting a driver’s license, we should also have to take some sort of test before being permitted to vote.

Steve Sailer
May 8, 2004

It’s a hoax, folks.

See for details on this fabrication, along with tables of honest, federal government statistics on smarts by state.