Oh Yea…

Monday, May 31st, 2004 | Pete Stuff

And I got tickets from a friend to go see Madonna next tuesday (6/8).. KICK ASS

4 Comments to Oh Yea…

May 31, 2004

My birthday is June 5th. That would make a great present!

June 1, 2004

Although you can’t see me right now I am green with envy

June 1, 2004

Even better then that, The Pete Cam is back!!!

June 9, 2004

I’m going to see her tonight (6/9) in San Jose… I’m so excited!!! My roommate saw her last night and raved about the show. Anyways, found your blog through random cross-linking via other blogs I read… nice to find another San Franciscan to read! I’ve been reading about too many L.A. people lately… it’s screwing with my already deranged head!!! =)