Where I grew up

Monday, August 9th, 2004 | Pete Stuff

Was just browsing around online today and found the home page for the city I grew up in (Irvine, CA) and, more disturbingly, found the demographics page they have posted.. The two that caught my eye in particular were these two:


White 57%
Asian & Pacific Islander 29.8%
Hispanic 7.4%
Black 1.4%
Other 4.4%
Registered Voters:

Just confirms what I already feared but couldn’t confirm – I grew up in Stepford. ACK.

2 Comments to Where I grew up

August 12, 2004

Yes, it’s disturbing to drive through Irvine and suddenly see all the Bush/Cheney signs. But it gives me a nice place to start my late night sign bombing.

September 2, 2004

I visited your site and it is very nicely covered all the required information.Thank you for sharing your view.