A new pastime

Sunday, January 16th, 2005 | Pete Stuff

I’ve discovered a new pastime that i’m loving. Matt and I went to Mission Cliffs yesterday to go climbing and, while I sucked REALLY BADLY, I had a great time (and i’m sore today). We went down at 10:30 yesterday morning and took a saftey class that taught us how to use all of the equipment ( it seems there is more than one use for a harnass 😉 ) and then we spent about 2 hours climbing walls. The whole thing was a WHOLE lot of fun though it requires two skills which I am VERY bad at – namely comfort with heights and trust. I’m TERRIFIED of heights and i’m bad at relying on others for things. So, as much as I trust Matt for pretty much anything, dangling from a rope a story or two in the air from a rope is kinda.. well.. um.. petrifying for me.. But I still loved it.. And DAMN is it a good upper body workout.. I’m sore today! :)..

So I’ll be going back.. hopefully a lot! 🙂

Mc Overview

1 Comment to A new pastime

January 17, 2005

I never thought I’d find someone that felt the same way about climbing as I do.