Cingular and Web Browsing on a RAZR V3

Sunday, January 8th, 2006 | Geek Stuff

For a month or two now i’ve been having problems using my slick little black RAZR to browse web sites. I was able to click on the little ‘Web’ button on the phone and get to Cingular’s little home page with all of their stuff on it however any time I tried to ‘Go to URL’ from there I would get a ‘Page cannot be displayed’ error. This started happening a little while ago and happened and would happen for every web site I tried to go too off of Cingular’s site – everything from Google and Next bus to some.. er.. um.. others! ;)..

Finally this morning I decided to call Cingular and get them to fix it. After the requisite inane walk through of all the obvious stuff (which I did dutifully out of politeness even though I KNEW that wasn’t the problem) they proceeded to tell me me that it wasn’t their problem and that I should contact the sites I was having trouble with.. Thats where steam started coming out of my ears but I managed to keep my cool and pressed the issue. I somewhat calmly explained to them that, while I could belive that many sites might have problems on phones and the sites would have to change, I could not accept that EVERY site would have a problem and it would be my duty to contact each individually. I explained that I was paying for web service, not cingular ‘portal’ access, and that if she could point me to a single non-cingular site that would work I would go away quietly and leave her alone – however if she couldn’t then we would have a problem to deal with. I think thats the point that she realized that a) I knew what I was talking about, b) I wasn’t going to just go away without a fight, and c) that their service wasn’t functioning as advertised. She put me on hold

When she came back she directed me down a different obscure path to take the phone directly to a URL without going to cingular’s portal first. When I did this I was finally able to get to other sites. So, as it turns out, Cingular’s portal puts the phone in a state where it can’t escape to other sites. The only way to get to other sites is to enter the browser without going there… I mentioned that that might be a bug that they should fix, she didn’t even know what I was talking about. So, while I think they’ve got something that they need to fix (or they’ve got some fascist policy in place), I can now do what I need to do..

To her credit, she was very polite and did her best to help, she and her tech support folks seemed to be trying hard to make calls go away by convincing users their issues aren’t things for cingular to solve rather than sincerely trying to solve the problem.. This is pretty in line with the crappy customer support I’ve gotten from singular for years and it irritates the shit out of me. Guess its another own side of corporate consolidation – when you become a big guy you stop giving a fuck about how you treat your customer and it shows.. The little guys try harder and seem to sincerely care – the big guys don’t seem to give a fuck..

Anyway.. Just wanted to post this should someone else hit this problem – googling and finding descriptions like this has helped me twice in as many days.. 🙂

11 Comments to Cingular and Web Browsing on a RAZR V3

Blake Seely
January 9, 2006

Heaven help anybody that needs Cingular customer service…

January 19, 2006

Could you possibly point me to the “loophole” they gave you that gave you access to the internet? I have been on the phone with them for over a week about this same issue and NOT ONE *EVEN THE MANAGER!!!* had an iota of what I was talking about!


All I want is to check my Gmail!!

January 19, 2006

Sure… Its fairly obscure… Go to ‘Menu -> Settings -> Web Access’ and Choose ‘Go to URL’ and enter the URL you want directly.. This will take you to your URL directly without going through their lame portal… You can also choose ‘Web Shortcuts’ if your URL is in there…

its a pain in the ass but it at least works..

hope that helps

January 30, 2006

Thanks, I just googled this because i’m having the same problem with my razr cingular phone. It works.

I never even considered calling cingular about this issue because they are a bunch of retards. I’m sorry, calling them retards is an insult to retards. But if anyone can locate a direct contact at cingular to talk about this issue, i’m more than happy to complain. =)

February 2, 2006

Thanks, all I wanted to do was visit a small Web site. What drove me insane was that I was able to get directory listings the first 7 times out of 10, but could never get any pages or content out of the directory. Having been through their customer service before–they are completely useless.


February 20, 2006

You’re a life saver! I had my house phone in my hand ready to go to battle with the Cingular support people. I figured I’d better do a Google search before I call ’em, just in case it’s something stupid that I never thought of. Thanks!

Connecting to the first website seems to work just fine. However, I seem to not be able to go to another site. I have to exit the browser and choose “Go to URL”, each time. Is this just me?

February 20, 2006

its definitely NOT just you… based on the number of hits of gotten on my site from people tyring to figure this out..

I’m amazed Cingular gets away with this kind of crap…

April 17, 2006

Thanks for the info…it saved me a lot of wasted time with cingular…thanks.

June 25, 2006

This still doesn’t help with my phone at all. I also cannot log into AIM. And my phone just dropped a number it’s had stored for a month now.

I hate RAZR phones and cingular so goddamned much.

ian darke
July 27, 2006

Thanks for the hint. This has been driving me crazy. I’m hoping that if I “hack” my phone, I can get it to not ever go to the Cingular portal.

August 16, 2006

Thank you so very much! I’ve had a RAZR for about a week now and I got MEdia Net for free the first month. And I could never get websites to load. At first, I thought that it was the network around my house [maybe the voice worked but data didn’t]. This exlains everything.