I’ve been informed

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 | Pete Stuff

That Don Knotts has been at the top of my blog too long and I’d better post something… So here goes! 🙂

A whole lot of the same lately, thus the lack of posting… Weeks have been spent working for the most part – LOTS going on at work though, as usual, I really can’t talk about any of it here. Joys of working on and planning products that aren’t out the door yet. Sometimes it frustrates me that I can’t talk about it more but thats the name of the game I suppose..

Last weekend was fun though. Kevin and I spent 4 days in Miami for our friend Tony’s birthday. We flew down friday AM and stayed at a hotel called the Blue Moon (name made me giggle but I can’t say I recommend it). Friday we spent exploring the beach and South Beach. Interesting town I’ve gotta say. It kinda reminded us of Vegas but with prettier people. Friday night we had dinner and hung out with Clayton who was in town for the Winter Party ( we weren’t there for that but the rest of the gay boys were )…

Saturday day we spent scuba diving off the coast of Miami. The dives were interesting but not the best once we’ve been on. The first dive wasn’t all that great. I was having equipment trouble (mask started hurting me after 10 minutes in the water) and the dive site wasn’t all that interesting. To further complicate things we had trouble keeping track of the boat so I spent a good amount of time worrying that we’d gotten lost. We never were actually very far from the boat but being the worry wart that I am I fussed about it a lot.. The second dive was much better. It was actually a dive around a bunch of 6′ pipes that had been sunk off the coast – lots of things growing on them and swimming around them. We stayed close to the anchor line and explored around them – very cool..

Saturday night was Tony’s party at a bar called Buck15 in South beach. Party was a lot of fun – we actually knew a bunch of people there as it turned out. Tony moved away from San Francisco a while ago and his friends at the party were from all over. Some friends of mine from YEARS ago who had since moved to London were there, our friend Tim who had just reappeared after a long stint of relationship-itis, our friend Adam, and a bunch of others. Aside from drama at the end caused by too much alcohol and too much flirting the part was a lot of fun…

Sunday and monday after that were pretty low key – explored a little.. Slept a lot.. Went out to dinner… Watched the oscars.. That kind of stuff…

Overall a lot of fun but I can’t say Miami is much my kinda place.. was nice havin a break from the rain though! 🙂

Anyway.. Back to my weekend.. TTFN

1 Comment to I’ve been informed

March 12, 2006

if you ever go back that way for diving, look up Cyndi Rosen at Lauderdale Divers. She’s great fun and has taken us on some really cool dives.