A visit to Dad and Dory’s

Sunday, November 19th, 2006 | Giggles

Farm on a Lake

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

We just got back from a visit to Dad and Dory’s new place in Gettysburg. Since I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, my dad recently got engaged and decided to move in with his new lady. They found a really cool new place out in Gettysburg, PA and he had to pack up and get out of the house he’d lived in since I was in kindergarten (or before). Now that they’re all settled in they invited Kevin and I to come visit and be their first guests. Since Kevin was already out visiting his ‘rents in NC I decided to fly out and meet him in Charlotte and head up for the weekend. The weekend was fantastic and we both love the new digs and VERY MUCH approve of Dory. She is super sweet and really fun to spend time with….

While we were there we explored his new house, went antique shopping, explored the battlefield at Gettysburg, went out to eat, and went on a few long walks… Overall a great weekend…

Anyway – if ya wanna check ’em out the full photo set is here.

1 Comment to A visit to Dad and Dory’s

November 20, 2006

what GREAT pictures! And the ones of you (the posed ones) are SO good – you look so handsome 🙂