A boring week of work

Friday, February 16th, 2007 | Giggles

Cupertino Sunset

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

So nothing major to report this week – work and deadlines are kinda kicking my butt right now so I’ve taken to coming home after wark and planing my sorry ass on the couch and watching TV.. Doesn’t hurt that the TV is awful purdy but its still a pretty damn lame way to spend my evenings. Good thing is I spent sunday cooking so I have yummy leftovers to eat rather than cook something new… have to do something this weekend to make sure I’m set up for next week too.. This cooking at home thing is kinda fun though – be afraid or I may start forcing my cooking on the unsuspecting! LOL..

This weekend is shaping up to be kinda busy.. *sigh*… Not sure bout tonight and tomorrow night but one of those two I’m gonna go see a movie with BB. Tomorrow during the day I’ve got a massage scheduled (YAY) and then have a pile of work I have to do to get my bugs at work fixed.. Sunday I’m helping my buddy Scott move some shit from his storage unite then hoping to hit the Eagle sunday afternoon if its nice.. But that all depends on if I get all my homework done first.. Wee Haa… All sounds like good stuff but sounds kinda exhausting too…