Cyber World
SLOWLY Getting there
Starting to get my main page back to normal… next trick wil be all the second level pages… uggg… this is killin me! 🙁
Bear With Me
Please bear with me.. I upgraded my blog to MT 3 and, in the course of doing that, managed to kill all of my templates so i’m rebuilding the blog from scratch.. unfortunately that means that, while i’ve got all of the content (which is the important stuff) a whole bunch of the little tweaks and formatting were lost which sucks… So i’m gonna start re-building it but in the mean time thigns are a little rough…
Video Projects
Uggggg… So one of our latest assignments for work is to create a ‘project’ using our products so that all of the engineering team understands how end users use our product – its a VERY good idea so we understand the ins and outs of the product from an end user’s perspective. Unfortunately there is one critical thing missing here – creative ability. Our customers are incredibly talented and creative people and I don’t have a creative bone in my body. So i’m REALLY struggling to put something together that is even remotely cool… *sigh*.. ah well.. Just figured I’d share… and if anyone has any ideas on what I could do for a short video just let me know.. (keep it clean folks! ;))
Where I’ve been
In case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and why I’ve been such an anti-social freak for the last few months.. I can now talk about it – we announced Final Cut Studio last Sunday and I’ve been at NAB in Las Vegas showing it off. In particular I was involved heavily in Final Cut Pro, LiveType, and Cinema Tools as well as the integration between FCP and Soundtrack Pro. I won’t go into all the coolness thats in there – you can read more about it on Apple’s Site.. But suffice it to say its full of coolness… And i’m kinda proud of it – its my baby! 🙂
Uggg… Is it just me or has the volume of blog spam gone WAY up. I woke up this morning to about 20 new spam comments. Its super easy for me to blast ’em and I see ’em come in so they don’t stick for very long (especially given how often I read email).. But FUCK.. These people PISS ME OFF… I get the same visceral when I see these that I get when people steal or vandalize things. Its kinda cyber tagging and the the only difference between these folks and the thugs that tag buildings is that the thugs don’t hide behind their computers and mask their identity…
Anyway.. just pisses me off..
Happy monday!
Disabled email addys
I’ve disabled my comments sections from displaying people’s email addresses… I had the ‘protect spam’ setting set before but a buddy got a strange email to his email referencing my blog which caused me to worry. Upon poking around I realized the protect against spam setting in MT didn’t do much that a novice engineer couldn’t code around… So now i’ll display a link to your blog if you post but not to your email address.. I still require email addresses (just as a basic level of security against the fucking blog spammers) but I don’t show ’em..
happy monday! 🙂
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