Cyber World


Wednesday, July 21st, 2004 | Geek Stuff | 1 Comment

Ok… Just read about this over here. I don’t know why but this kinda makes me sad. A conference on blogging.. I suppose it makes sense and its all fine but it just feels like mainstreaming and corpratizing of a kinda cool underground type thing. Not that big a deal really and probably inevitable.. But it kinda makes me long for the days when all of this technology was moved forward by folks who did things they thought were cool rather than cuz it made good business sense. Suppose that dates me huh?

Ah well.. I’ll shut up… 😉

Work and stuff

Friday, June 18th, 2004 | Geek Stuff | 5 Comments

Ya know… Sometimes… it just KILLS me that I cant talk about the stuff I’m workin on at work on here… So cool! 🙂

Sorry.. Suppose i’m just teasin the Mac folks aren’t I? 😉

on the verge

Sunday, June 6th, 2004 | Blog Stuff | 6 Comments

of turning off comments… FUCK I hate Spammers… I would love to get my mits on just one of those bastards and smack ’em around. it feels like such a violation.

Sorry.. just had to vent after blasting a whole collection of ’em… now back to our regularly scheduled program… 🙂

In case you’ve wondered

Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 | Geek Stuff | 2 Comments

In the off chance that anyone has wondered why I’ve been distant (and grumpy on occasion) I can fnally share. At NAB 2 weeks ago we announced the products I’ve been working madly on for the past God-knows-how-long. We announced a number of cool updates to Apple’s Pro application suite, the ones nearest and dearest to my heart being,Final Cut Pro HD,LiveType 1.2, and Cinema Tools 2.2 (being that I do engineering on FCP and i manage portions of the development on LiveType and Cinema tools.

In addition we announced a brand new Application called Motion which I (and a few guys on my team) helped out on. This app is a really cool motion graphics solution for doing various forms of video animations and effects. Its definitely well worth checking out…
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Unconscious Mutterings – Week 59

Thursday, March 25th, 2004 | Blog Exercises | Comments Off on Unconscious Mutterings – Week 59
  1. Wife:: Husband
  2. Criminal:: Defense
  3. Campaign:: Trail
  4. Infection:: Cooties
  5. Portland:: Marriage
  6. NASCAR:: PBR and Tank Tops
  7. IMAX:: To Fly
  8. Martian:: Marvin
  9. Nike:: Swoosh
  10. Trial:: By Fire

(What is this? Look here)

The Graphical User Interface

Friday, March 19th, 2004 | Geek Stuff | Comments Off on The Graphical User Interface

Just found this site thanks to The Tin Man

GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

Really interesting to go back and see what the Mac UI and Windows used to look like… I’ve used every one of those Mac OS UIs and worked on ’em in some way or form since System 6.0.8

Just had to share! 🙂