
A few on a friday morning

Friday, April 25th, 2008 | Giggles, Random Morsels | Comments Off on A few on a friday morning

Just a couple of quick things… First, Annik over at SlowGerman had a great podcast this week talking about German music and had some really great stuff… in particular, i just bought an album from Joy Delanane called Was auch Immer that I f-in LOVE… its a really cool combination of soul / R&B, south african, and some other stuff and she sings in about 4 different languages that I can count (German, English, French, and Swahili)… Its my new favorite right now! :):)

And my buddy Scott forwarded me this funny article.. I laughed out loud:

Federal Judge: Enough With the Stupid Names

After Judge Cabrera’s historic ruling, little Clitoria Jackson will likely undergo a name change.

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Monday, March 24th, 2008 | Giggles | Comments Off on

Crayon Physics Deluxe

This is pretty damn cool… Check it out

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HAPPY New Year

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008 | Giggles | Comments Off on HAPPY New Year

My little walgreens elf.. (don’t ask)

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

Just a quick happy new year to everyone.. More to come later but we all had a very nice holiday (with a few exceptions)… Spent christmas in Sacramento with my ‘rents, sister and brother in law, and step sister.. Then the rest of the break relaxing at home and playin with the puppy… New years eve was mellow at home then a 40th b-day party at brian’s yesterday…

Lots more to talk about but i need to work now…

(oh.. and this picture made me laugh out loud so I had to share… thats my boy! :):))

Halloween the way its supposed to be

Thursday, November 1st, 2007 | Giggles | Comments Off on Halloween the way its supposed to be

Shocked the hell out of me – but it seems that they were relatively successful at shutting down the party in the Castro this year. That meant that this year Halloween at our house was what it should have been… A bunch of cute little kids trick-or-treating at our doorstep and no line of freaks passing by to go cause trouble at the party.. Kevin laughed at me because of how excited I was to be able to pass out candy – but i haven’t been able to do that since I moved to the city.. One of the trick-or-treaters even gave out glow sticks to the houses he visited.. was so cute…

anyway.. was cool to see a more sane Halloween.. 🙂

One more then I promise

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007 | Giggles | Comments Off on One more then I promise

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

to give it a rest… well… maybe not give it a rest… but at least not turn this into my dog blog..

but isn’t she adorable?

She isn’t without her challenges though… My lord puppies are a LOT of work…. no really… A LOT OF WORK… But, bless his heart, Kevin has been doing the lion’s share of the work..

Housebreaking her is definitely a challenge.. We’re working right now on paper training her and once thats down then we’ll start the outside training… Outside training is a challenge living in the city without a lawn. since she doesn’t have all of her shots, she can’t be around places where other dogs have pooped which includes the front driveway… Those who have lawns can just let puppies out there but we don’t have that luxury – so it adds to the fun….

on top of that she really doesn’t like being alone… REALLY doesn’t like it.. if we can fool her into falling asleep we’re good but otherwise she’ll whine a lot.. we’re working on teaching her to be OK with it but thats coming slowly…

We just have to keep reminding ourselves that she’s just a puppy and isn’t going to quite get these things…

But she’s cute and a lot of fun so we’re OK putting up with an awful lot! 🙂

Nina’s first day

Sunday, October 7th, 2007 | Giggles | 1 Comment

Nina’s first day

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

check it out…

we have a new member of the family… A new little Vizsla puppy… and I must say, she is just the cutest puppy in the whole wide world… Definitely a little trouble maker and kept us up a little bit last night.. but not too badly really…

Anyway… off to bed now – but I had to share! :):) There are more pictures of her on flickr! 🙂