
Jean K. Mellang: 1919-2012

Friday, January 13th, 2012 | Family, Pete Stuff | Comments Off on Jean K. Mellang: 1919-2012

My grandma, Jean Mellang, passed away this last Sunday at age 92. This was what I wrote to say at her service today ( though I didn’t use notes so what I actually said was probably kinda different.

Grandma, I love you and will miss you very much.

It’s funny the things you remember….

I’ve got a long commute to work every day and I’ve spend the last few days thinking about grandma and beating myself up that I can’t come up with some poignant story or memory to talk about…

The only things I seem to come up with are a lot of little silly stuff..

I remember going to her house on hickory hills and her giving me a soda… Used to drive mom NUTS but I loved it..

I remember baking cookies…

I remember her slipping me those chalky mints from the club.

I remember her reading me the good Samaritan, Daniel and the lions den, and Joseph and the coat of many colors..

I remember that zipper pocket in her furry winter muff.

I remember her writing me letters full of strange clippings about apple and Steve jobs that she’d found in the paper.

I remember her asking how Kevin is doing.

I remember her asking me every time I called what I did at work, only to respond that she didn’t really understand what I was talking about but it sounded very interesting..

I remember her last letter to me in November where she described to me what she’d had for dinner and advising me to stick to one dog – two might be too many.. 🙂

I remember her telling me I was gods perfect loving reflection and that she loved me very much… She said that a lot over the years..

But as I thought about this stuff I came to realize that this WAS the important stuff..

The relationship between mother and daughter when it came to parenting styles ( manifested by a soda in my hand before I was out of the car ) must have driven them nuts but I came to realize had a very important side effect – it meant that is was always clear the I was cared for, safe, and loved no matter what… Despite everything that might have been happening around me at the time I was largely aware because I had both of them loving me in their own ways.

Those bible stories and words about perfection and gods love didn’t make much sense to me at the time but they seemed nice… But as I grew up and started question myself and the outside world started telling what was right and wrong it became very important… It meant that I really never questioned whether I was who I was meant to be. I exactly the person I was supposed to be and that was enough…

And, most importantly, those apple clippings about stuff I already knew, questions about work and Kevin, and advice about how many dogs to have? Its because of those I knew that she was thinking about me, interested in my life, and loved me…

So really it’s those little things that seem inconsequential at the time that add up to meaning so much..

And for those, and for her, I’ll always be grateful. And she’ll always be with me.


Jean K. Mellang: 1919-2012

Friday, January 13th, 2012 | Family, Pete Stuff | Comments Off on Jean K. Mellang: 1919-2012



Lori Ann Turek: 1970-2008

Thursday, November 6th, 2008 | Family, featured, Pete Stuff | 1 Comment

Lori Ann Turek: 1970-2008

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF

One of my longest and dearest friends in San Francisco Bill lost his sister Lori this Tuesday. My heart goes out to her husband Rick, her son and brand new baby as well as Bill, Matt and the rest of her family and friends. Everyone who knew her will see to it that her two kids know what a ray of sunshine she is in all of our lives!

Gotta love my mom! :)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 | Family, Politics | 2 Comments

Sometimes I just love the fact that my parents and I are on the the same page when it comes to politics. Both my mom and step dad as well as my dad and new step mom are all on the same side of the ballot as Kevin and I are. Makes talking politics a lot of fun (and far less stressful than in some families).

What is even better to me is that when my mom and step dad talk about it with their friends it actually matters since they live in the middle of California’s McCain-ville (in Sacramento). Those of you who have met my mom knows she has NO QUALMS about speaking her mind when people say something stupid.

So lately they’ve had an Obama sign in their front lawn which someone in their neighborhood has taken to stealing. So after the third time she had one stolen she sent this email to her neighbors:

Hello –

I’m disappointed to report that we continue to have our Obama for President sign taken from our yard.
Another disappeared last night; We’ve just purchased our fourth sign.
We are not violating any law and legislation passed a few years ago deemed even CC&R prohibitions unenforceable.
This isn’t just a harmless prank; it’s theft. Someone is going up onto our yard and pulling up a heavily secured sign.

More to the point, step dad’s name and I have a right to our political choice and have the right to display the campaign sign of that choice.
If the person stealing our signs shares a different political perspective, we suggest they display the sign of their candidate choice.

A note to the sign thief: Each time I purchase replacement signs, I make another substantial donation to the Obama for President Campaign.
So Obama and Biden both thank you, thief, for the donation. Every dollar helps.

And at the end of the day, whichever way the election turns out, you will look in the mirror and see a thief.

Kind regards to the entire neighborhood.

their names

hehe…. I love that they’re doing this – particularly out there… Putting an Obama sign in our yard in the Castro seems almost redundant but not out there… and, more importantly, MAN am I glad she’s on our side! hehe…

love ya mom! :):)

(posted with her permission of course – and their names redacted! :))

Sylvia Sawyers: 1941 – 2008

Monday, April 14th, 2008 | Family | 2 Comments

Sylvia Sawyers, originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

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